Faith Formation Commission consults with the catechetical leader in developing goals and strategies for adult, family and youth formation. Throughout the year, the Commission holds educational events that reflect the parish mission and goals and to inspire all on our faith journey. Small group gatherings and outside speakers and presentations offer opportunities for growth, and spiritual formation is not limited to the walls of the church. We strive to live out our faith in every facet of parish life, within our families, in our parish community, into the neighborhood, and even by reaching out across the world in our twinning relationship.
2023/24 Faith Formation Members
Joe D’Angelo
Marianne Hartkemeyer
John Meyer
Greg Niehaus (Commission Representative)
Fr. Rudy Coaquira Hilaje, Pastor
Finance Commission advises Father and the Business Administrator on fiscal matters of the parish; develops an annual fiscal operation plan and other strategies to meet the cost of the spiritual and educational ministries of the parish.
2023/24 Finance Commission Members
Laura Lupp
Jim Kaiser
Ron Lynch
Jim Schreyer (Commission Representative)
Kelsey Schneider (Ex Officio Member)
Fr. Rudy Coaquira Hilaje, Pastor
Peace and Justice Commission develops a parish plan and framework for actions and decision-making that is based on Gospel values through self-study and education of parishioners on the principles of Catholic Social Teaching:
- Life and dignity of the Human person
• Call to family, community, and participation
• Rights and responsibilities
• Options for the poor and vulnerable
• The dignity of work and rights of workers
• Solidarity
• Care for God’s creation
They help the parish community stay informed and updated on Church teaching regarding current Peace, Justice, Integrity of Creation, and Respect Life issues, and promote ways for parishioners to respond appropriately.
They advocate for:
• Connecting justice with works of charity,
• A more communal and global awareness of problems,
• An understanding of the obligation to share the benefits of God’s creation more broadly, as they facilitate coordination of parish outreach efforts.
2023/24 Peace and Justice Members
Mike Bechtold
Joan Dempsey
Greg Niehaus (Commission Representative)
Fr. Rudy Coaquira Hilaje, Pastor
Parish Council
Parish Council includes six to nine parishioners who meet monthly (except during the summer) to assist and advise Father in his role as spiritual shepherd of the parish community. To this end, they seek input from parishioners, evaluate issues of concern, prayerfully reflect with Father on matters of pastoral importance, make recommendations and offer him counsel.
2023/24 Parish Council Members
Ken Stehlin, Chairperson
Brenda Del Favero, Vice Chairperson
Terri Lynch, Recording Secretary
Kevin Brunsman
Betty Cepluch
Terry Rauch
Ex Officio Members
Fr. Rudy Coaquira Hilaje, Pastor
Kelsey Schneider, Business Administrator
Worship Commission
Through the liturgical seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, and Ordinary Time, Worship Commission develops the meaning of these seasons by way of music and church environment. The goal of this commission, working with the pastor, is to provide an uplifting liturgical experience for those present, and to help deepen each person’s faith in God and develop the parish community of St. Therese Little Flower Church.
2023/24 Worship Commission Members
Mary Jo Chavez
Carol Gabis
Kathy Parsons (Commission Representative)
Fr. Rudy Coaquira Hilaje, Pastor