Small Parish with a Big Heart


Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the Church’s four-period process for evangelizing, catechizing and initiating adults and children (age 7 and beyond) into Christ and the Church. The process culminates in Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil Mass on Holy Saturday. Those already baptized in another Christian tradition are not re-baptized but make a profession of faith prior to their Confirmation and First Communion.

First Sacraments: preparations include a parent-child workshop, home activities, catechesis, and Christian service. Parents, as primary educators of their children, assume the major role in preparing their children for the sacraments.

  • Baptism Preparation for infants and children up to age six involves participation of prospective parents and Godparents in a one-session program prior to the baby’s birth or before the Baptism. The session includes reflection on the privilege of Christian parenting, the theology of Baptism and the components of the Rite of Baptism. Contact the Parish Office to schedule the workshop and the Baptism, which occurs within one of the parish weekend liturgies.

  • First Reconciliation will be celebrated at the parish with children who have achieved the age of reason (7 years). Primary formation for this sacrament occurs at home, supplemented with instruction at Our Lady of Grace School or through catechesis at the parish.

  • First Communion - The parish celebration will occur in May during a weekend parish liturgy. Children are prepared in the home and through catechesis at Our Lady of Grace School and/or at the parish.
  • Confirmation - In the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, baptized Catholic youth who are at least twelve years of age may celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation after the prescribed period of catechesis at the Catholic school and/or parish.

To begin the preparation process, please call the Parish Office no later than six months prior to the date you would like to have your marriage.

Anointing of the Sick
The anointing of the sick is administered to bring spiritual and even physical strength during an illness, especially near the time of death. This sacrament is also for anyone who is seriously ill, having a serious medical procedure or anticipating surgery. Many times, the anointing can occur at the conclusion of one of our regularly scheduled Masses on weekends or weekdays. Please contact the Parish Office to receive the Anointing of Sick.

Eucharistic Ministry to Homebound
Notify the Parish Office to request Communion for the sick or homebound.